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Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists

Casey Reas & Ben Fry
Publisher / Label
The MIT Press
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages



XIX Foreword
XXI Preface

  1 Processing... 
  9 Using Processing 

 17 Structure 1: Code Elements 
 23 Shape 1: Coordinates, Primitives 
 37 Data 1: Variables 
 43 Math 1: Arithmetic, Functions 
 51 Control 1: Decisions 
 61 Control 2: Repetition  
 69 Shape 2: Vertices
 79 Math 2: Curves 
 85 Color 1: Color by Numbers 
 95 Image 1: Display, Tint 
101 Data 2: Text 
105 Data 3: Conversion, Objects 
111 Typography 1: Display 
117 Math 3: Trigonometry 
127 Math 4: Random 
133 Transform 1: Translate, Matrices 
137 Transform 2: Rotate, Scale 
145 Development 1: Sketching, Techniques 
149 Synthesis 1: Form and Code 
155 Interviews 1: Print 

173 Structure 2: Continuous 
181 Structure 3: Functions 
197 Shape 3: Parameters, Recursion 
205 Input 1: Mouse I 
217 Drawing 1: Static Forms 
223 Input 2: Keyboard 
229 Input 3: Events 
237 Input 4: Mouse II 
245 Input 5: Time, Date 
251 Development 2: Iteration, Debugging 
255 Synthesis 2: Input and Response 
261 Interviews 2: Software, Web 
279 Motion 1: Lines, Curves 
291 Motion 2: Machine, Organism 
301 Data 4: Arrays 
315 Image 2: Animation 
321 Image 3: Pixels 
327 Typography 2: Motion 
333 Typography 3: Response 
337 Color 2: Components 
347 Image 4: Filter, Blend, Copy, Mask 
355 Image 5: Image Processing 
367 Output 1: Images 
371 Synthesis 3: Motion and Arrays 
377 Interviews 3: Animation, Video  

395 Structure 4: Objects 
413 Drawing 2: Kinetic Forms 
421 Output 2: File Export 
427 Input 6: File Import 
435 Input 7: Interface 
453 Structure 5: Objects II 
461 Simulate 1: Biology 
477 Simulate 2: Physics 
495 Synthesis 4: Structure, Interface 
501 Interviews 4: Performance, Installation 

519 Extension 1: Continuing... 
525 Extension 2: 3D 
547 Extension 3: Vision 
563 Extension 4: Network 
579 Extension 5: Sound 
603 Extension 6: Print 
617 Extension 7: Mobile 
633 Extension 8: Electronics 

661 Appendixes 
693 Related Media 
699 Glossary 
703 Code Index 
705 Index