XIII Foreword
Jane Farver
1 Introduction
Caroline A. Jones
5 The Mediated Sensorium
Caroline A. Jones
Curatorial Essays/Artist Statements
50 Mathieu Briand
Yuko Hasegawa
56 Janet Cardiff and George Bures
Miller Marjory Jacobson
62 Natascha Sadr Haghigian
Bill Arning
68 Ryoji Ikeda
Yuko Hasegawa
73 Christian Jankowski
Bill Arning and Joe Haldeman
79 Bruce Nauman
Jane Farver
84 François Roche and R & Sie(n)
Jane Farver
91 Anri Sala
Marjory Jacobson
98 Sissel Tolaas
Bill Arning
104 air
Bruno Latour
108 artificial
Mark Doty
112 auditory
Michael Bull
115 biomimetics
Caroline A. Jones
119 compoundings
Donna Haraway
125 control
Chris Csikszentmihalyi
128 corpus
Stephen Wilson
133 decorporealization
Amelia Jones
137 ether
Caroline A. Jones
142 fragrance
Constance Classen
146 godscan
Peter Lunenfeld
149 hedonics
Barbara Maria Stafford
154 identity theft
Caroline Bassett
156 ipod
Michael Bull
159 kinaesthesia
Zeynep Celik
163 labnotation
Yvonne Rainer
167 mediation
Michael Bull
169 mental image
Stephen M. Kosslyn
171 nanofacture
Peter Galison
174 networked eyes
William J. Mitchell
180 neurodynamics
Barbara Maria Stafford
182 neoexistentialism
Joseph Dumit
190 ocularity
Martin Jay
194 prosthetics
Bill Arning
200 remote sensing
Caroline Bassett
202 robotics
Chris Csikszentmihalyi
207 spectral
Jonathan Crary
212 surveillant
Thomas Y. Levin
216 synaesthesia
Caroline A. Jones
220 tethering
Sherry Turkle
227 umami
Hiroko Kikuchi
229 utopian body
Michel Foucault
235 viral
Neal Stephenson
237 wetware
Michael Swanwick and William Gibson
238 yuck factor
Caroline Bassett
241 zoon
Caroline A. Jones and Donna Haraway
246 Works Cited
254 Artist, Curator, and Author Biographies