Entangled: Technology and the Transformation of Performance
- Author
- Chris Salter
- Publisher / Label
- The MIT Press
- Country
- Language
- English
- Publication year
- 2010
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 460
- 9780262195881
Foreword by Peter Sellars IX Preface: A reader's Manual for Entangled XIII Acknowledgments XIX Introduction XXI 1 Space 1 : Scene/Machine (1876-1933) 1 2 Space 2 : Media Scenographies (1950-) 49 3 Performing Architectures 81 4 The Projected Image : Video, Film, and the Performative Screen 113 5 Sound 181 6 Bodies 221 7 Machines/Mechanicals 277 8 Interaction 303 Conclusion : The Everyday 349 Notes 353 Glossary 383 References 393 Name Index 425 Subject Index 439