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The Social Media Reader

edited by Michael Mandiberg
Publisher / Label
NYU Press
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


Acknowledgments ix

Introduction Michael Mandiberg 1

Part I Mechanisms

1 The People Formerly Known as the Audience Jay Rosen 13

2 Sharing Nicely: On Shareable Goods and the Emergence of Sharing as a Modality of Economic Production Yochai Benkler 17

3 Open Source as Culture/Culture as Open Source Siva Vaidhyanathan 24

4 What Is Web 2.0? Design Patterns and Business Models for the Next Generation of Software Tim O'Reilly 32

5 What Is Collaboration Anyway? Adam Hyde Mike Linksvayer kanarinka Michael Mandiberg Marta Peirano Sissu Tarka Astra Taylor Alan Toner Mushon Zer-Aviv 53

Part II Sociality

6 Participating in the Always-On Lifestyle danah boyd 71

7 From Indymedia to Demand Media: Journalism's Visions of Its Audience and the Horizons of Democracy C. W. Anderson 77

Part III Humor

8 Phreaks, Hackers, and Trolls: The Politics of Transgression and Spectacle E. Gabriella Coleman 99

9 The Language of Internet Memes Patrick Davison 120

Part IV Money

10 The Long Tail Chris Anderson 137

Part V Law

11 REMIX: How Creativity Is Being Strangled by the Law Lawrence Lessig 155

12 Your Intermediary Is Your Destiny Fred von Lohmann 170

13 On the Fungibility and Necessity of Cultural Freedom Fred Benenson 178

14 Giving Things Away Is Hard Work: Three Creative Commons Case Studies Michael Mandiberg 187

Part VI Labor

15 Quentin Tarantino's Star Wars? Grassroots Creativity Meets the Media Industry Henry Jenkins 203

16 Gin, Television, and Social Surplus Clay Shirky 236

17 Between Democracy and Spectacle: The Front-End and Back-End of the Social Web Felix Stalder 242

18 DIY Academy? Cognitive Capitalism, Humanist Scholarship, and the Digital Transformation Ashley Dawson 257

About the Contributors 275

Index 279