7 Introduction. Alain Liedts
17 Digital Daedalus, Stef Van Bellingen
20 "Body Sound": A Laboratory, Christine Van Assche
28 Music Exhibitions from Music Hall Seats to Sound Installations, Peter Szendy
41 Scenographic Principles The Bureau des Mesarchitectures, Didier Faustino and Claudia Martinho
Notes on the works
48 Vito Acconci, Under-History Lessons
52 Celeste Boursier-Mougenot, Schizo frames
56 Manon de Boer, Two Times 4'33"
60 Anouk de Clercq, Me +
62 Didier Faustino, Erase your Head / An Instrument for Blank Architecture
66 Mike Kelley /Scanner, Esprits de Paris
70 Emmanuel Lagarrigue, I never Dream otherwise than Awake
74 Chris Marker, Ouvroir 128/63/39
78 Bruce Nauman, Get out of my Mind, Get out of this Room
80 Noto aka Carsten Nicolai, co [Infinity]
82 Owada (Martin Creed, Adam McEwen, Keiko Owada), Nothing
86 Ugo Rondinone, The evening passes like any other. ..
90 Semiconductor, Brilliant Noise
94 Mika Vainio, Three Compositions for Machines (Track 01)
New Technological Art Award Liedts-Meesen 2010
102 Perry Bard, Man With a Movie Camera: The Global Remake
104 Felix Luque Sanchez, The Discovery
106 Boris Debackere, Probe
108 Peter Alwast, Everything
110 Peter Beyls, Petri
112 Dominika Sobolewska, RGB (Red-Green-Blue)
114 Go Eun Im, SEE(N)
116 Christoph De Boeck, Staalhemmel
118 Arthur Elsenaar, Face Shift
120 Julien Gachadoat, Gravity
125 New Media Collection, Centre Pompidou, Paris
132 Artists and works of "Update_3: Bodysound" and the New Technological Art Award Liedts-Meesen 2010
136 Submissions/New Technological Art Award Liedts-Meesen 2010
143 Credits
144 Fringe events program "Update_3: Body Sound"
146 Photographic credits