8 Una storia sintetica della cartolina d'artista / A synthetic history of
artists's postcards
18 Elementi di storia / Historical rudiments
24 Su questo libro / About this book
28 Ray Johnson e Fluxus/ Ray Johnson and Fluxus
36 Ben Vautier
40 La Rete Eterna / The Eternal Network
52 Tourist Postcarts
58 Tutti in posa! /All say "cheese"!
62 Gilbert & George
66 In rivista e in scatola / In magazines and box-sets
74 In bella mostra / Making a fine show
82 Sex Postcarts
88 Tra gratuito e virtuale / Between free and virtual
92 Guy Bleus -Cartoline di Mail Art per Netland /Mail-Artcards for
106 Klaus Staeck
110 Anna Banana - Humour e "Dada" in Cartolina / Humour and
"Dada" in postcards
120 Xmas Postcarts
124 John Held Jr. - Cartoline timbrate / Rubber stamped postcards
132 Collage Postcarts
138 Jürgen O. Olbrich - ! 4 o piu lati della cartolina / The 4 or more
sides of the postcard
144 Arno Arts
146 Enrico Sturani - Il brlcolage visivo di Piermario Ciani /The visual
do-it-yourself of Pierrnario Ciani
152 Puzzle Postcarts
156 Julien Blaine - Il caso Doc(k)s / The Doc(k)s affair
164 Poetry Postcarts
170 Mario Giavino - Un caso italiano; Imagornmage / An Italian case;
174 Free Postcarts
180 Janosz Kubas Un caso europeo; Bizarr / An European case:
186 E-Carts
188 Enrico Sist - Neo-Pop e oltre / Neo-Pop and beyond
198 Mark Mothersbaugh