Uwe Seifert 8
The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines:
A Paradox of Interactivity
I. Rethinking Interactivity
Sybille Krämer 26
Does the Body Disappear?
A Comment on Computer Generated Spaces
Ludwig Jäger and Jin Hyun Kim 44
Transparency and Opacity: Interface Technology
of Mediation in New Media Art
Werner Rammert 62
Where the Action is: Distributed Agency
between Humans, Machines, and Programs
Frieder Nake 92
Surface, Interface, Subface: Three Cases of Interaction
and One Concept
Rudolf Kaehr 110
Double Cross Playing Diamonds: Understanding Interactivity
in / between Bigraphs and Diamonds
II. Interplay between Art, Science,
and Technology
Hans H. Diebner 142
Where Art and Science Meet
(or Where They Work at Cross-Purposes)
Christoph Lischka 160
Time, Magma, Continuity: Some Remarks on In-Formation
and the Fabrication of "Poiēsis"
Julian Rohrhuber 174
Implications of Unfolding
Georg Trogemann, Stefan Göllner, and Lasse Scherffig 192
UNORTKATASTER: An Urban Experiment Towards
Participatory Media Development
Antonio Camurri, Barbara Mazzarino, and Gualtiero Volpe 218
Modelling and Analysing Expressive Gesture
in Multimodal Systems
III. Interactive Media Performances:
Past, Present, and Future
Martina Leeker 250
Interaction Computer Dance:
The Resonance Paradigm 1900/ 2000
Monika Fleischmann and Wolfgang Strauss 266
Staging of the Thinking Space:
From Immersion to Performative Presence
Jin Hyun Kim 282
From Interactive Live Electronic Music to New Media Art
Gil Weinberg 298
Extending the Musical Experience:
From the Physical to the Digital and Back
Suguru Goto 326
Virtual Musical Instruments and Robot Music Performances
Authors' Biographies 336