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Cyberfeminism and Artificial Life

Sarah Kember
Publisher / Label
English (Unknown), English (Original Language), English (Published)
Publication year
Type of publication
Number of pages


Preface                                                  vii
Acknowledgements                                         xi
1 Autonomy and artificiality in global networks          1
ALife in context, or, "the return to Darwin"             2
Network bioethics                                        7
2 The meaning of life part 1: the new biology            14
Evolutionary biology - all about chickens and eggs       14
The metaphor of life as information                      16
Biology as ideology - reductionism and determinism       19
Molecular biology - an endgame                           23
Sociobiology and eugenics                                31
Evolutionary psychology and the "Darwin Wars"            40
3 Artificial Life                                        53
Information Wants to be Alive!                           60
The philosophy and biology of ALife                      63
ALife -  autonomous agents                               66
ALife -  non-vitalist vitalism                           71
Spaces of dissent                                        71 
The future of ALife - consolidating (digital) naturalism 78
4 CyberLife -  Creatures                                 83
Sim Worlds - ALife and computer games                    85
Stirring the primordial soup                             85
The Creation part 1 : making worlds                      86
The Creation part 2: making life                         88
Cain's creation                                          89
Creatures                                                91
Playing the games                                        95
Creatures on the Internet                                98
CyberLife - selling ALife                                105
CyberLife Research Limited - or "real" ALife             109
5 Network identities                                     116
Artificial agents                                        116
HAL                                                      116
Situated and autonomous robots                           118
Bots                                                     124
ALife aesthetics                                         127
Artificial cultures                                      133
Artificial societies                                     138
Artificial subjects                                      143
6 The meaning of life part 2: genomics                   145
Artificial life as wetware                               145
The species-self                                         150
Confessions of a justified sinner                        150
The self as other                                        160
The other species                                        169
7 Evolving feminism in Alife environments                175
Alife-as-we-know-it                                      175
Natureculture                                            182
Risk                                                     188
Pengi and the Expressivator                              193
Alife-as-it-could-be                                     198
Autopoiesis and autonomy                                 198
Einbodying ALife                                         204
Towards situating ALife                                  206
8 Beyond the science wars                                211
Notes                                                    217
Bibliography                                             227
Index                                                    243