8 Stephen Kovats, Thomas Munz lntroduction
14 Claus Leggewie
Dying for Beauty? Climate Change as a Cultural issue
24 Marco Evaristti Trilogy
28 Bureau d'études Geoengineering: From the Atom Bomb to Rising
Water Levels
36 Saskia Sassen When Territory and Time Seep out of the Old Cages...
44 Lars Spuybroek Africa Comes First, A Conversation with
Rem Koolhaas
56 Annet Dekker, Esther Polak Traversing the Route:
From MediaMarkt to Cameroon
63 Tsuba Ka23
74 Jonathan Fletcher The Front Lines of Telephony:
The Tantalum Memorial and the Coltan Wars
80 Rob van Kranenburg Growing up
90 Hilary Koob-Sassen, The Errorists Faith infrastructure
96 Ulrich Beck Of the disappearance of the social causes and conse-
quences of climate change in the evidence of "natural catastrophe"
as natural law
98 Roger Malina What is a Climatc Artist?
102 Christian Gützer Grow Fruits of Kronos
106 Laura Schleussner Beyond North: An Expedition in Four Parts
116 Simon Faithfull Drawings
122 Harald Welzer What can and cannot be done II
126 HeHe Disappearing Clouds
134 Victor Nemchinov Fragrnentary paradigm shift:
a predicament of pending cultural challenges
138 Territoral Agency Escalation
148 Ulrich Beck Yet all of that is only half the truth. Climate change is
pure ambivalence: lt also releases a "cosmopolitan momentum."
150 Hermann Josef Hack Climate Refuge Camp Berlin
154 Borries, Böttger, Heilmeyer People should follow the climate -
ln conversation with Yona Friedman
157 raumtaktik deepnorth by raumtaktik
158 Marko Peljhan I-TASC
164 Michiko Nitta Extreme Green Guerrillas
174 Urs Dubacher specialità di silicio
178 Yukiko Shikata "Architecture" as thinking process
182 Evelina Domnitch, Dmitry Gelfand A Gold filled Void
186 Andrea Polli Ground Truth: Monitoring and Measuring the Social
Geography of Global Climate Change
192 Stephen Kovats, Zacharias Kunuk, Marko Peljhan
Welcome to Igloolik
198 Petko Dourmana The Post Global Warming Survival Kit:
The Notebook of the White Guard
204 Imke Grimm, Reynold Reynolds Scaling things. Living, Nature
and Utopia
210 Charly Nijensohn Beyond the End The Polar Project
214 Ulla Drenckhan Staging the North
232 Jean Malaurie Deep North: An Address
238 References
240 Image Credits