The Politics of New Media Theatre: Life
- Author
- Gabriella Giannachi
- Publisher / Label
- Routledge
- Country
- Language
- English (Unknown), English (Original Language), English (Published)
- Publication year
- 2006
- Type of publication
- Book
- Number of pages
- 176
- 041534946X
- 9780415349468
1 Theatre and Postcolonial Desires Awam Amkpa 2 Brecht and Critical Theory Dialectics and contemporary aesthetics Sean Carney 3 Science and the Stanislavsky Tradition of Acting Jonathan Pitches 4 Performance and Cognition Theatre studies after the cognitive turn Edited by Bruce McConachie and F. Elizabeth Hart 5 Theatre and Performance in Digital Culture From simulation to embeddedness Matthew Causey 6 The Politics of New Media Theatre LifeĀ®TM Gabriella Giannachi