11 Foreword
Pauline van Mourik Broekman and Simon Worthington
15 Disgruntled addicts - Mute magazine and his history
Josephine Berry Slater
Chapter 1
Direct democracy and its demons: Web 1.0 to Web 2.0
25 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
27 The californian ideology
Richard Barbrook and Andy Cameron
35 The californian ideology: aninsider's view
Celia Pearce
40 Proliferating futures
Franco Berardi (Bifo)
43 19th century nostrums are not solutions to 21st century problems
Louis Rossetto
46 The origins of Nettime mailing list
Pit Schultz interviewed by Pauline van Mourik Broekman
52 The right connections: tea with Kevin Kelly
J.J. King
58 Bombs and bytes
Anustup Basu
66 Info-enclosure 2.0
Dmytri Kleiner and Brian Wyrick
Chapter 2
Net Art to Conceptual art and Back
73 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
76 THE THING: a sysop describes his Art Bulletin Board and the network of wich it is a part
Andreas Rüthi
78 Is it a commercial? Nooo...Is it spam?...Nooo - It's Net Art!
Josephine Bosma
82 Ten reasons why the art world hates Digital Art
Ewan Morrison
86 Ten reasons why the art world loves Digital Art
Matthew Fuller
89 Artware
Saul Albert
93 Art is useless
Vuk Ćosić interviewed by Josephine Berry
99 King of code
Stephen Williams interviewed by Josephine Berry and Pauline van Mourik Broekman
107 System upgrade: Conceptual Art and recording of information, knowledge and technology
Michael Corris
114 Technological kindergarten: Gustav Metzger and Early Computer Art
Simon Ford
Chapter 3
I, cyborg: reinventing the human
121 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
124 The immateriality of the signifier: the flash and the innocence of Michael Jackson
Suhail Malik
131 With a little help from our (new) friends
Caroline Bassett
136 The cyborg: sweet sixteen (and never beencloned)
María Fernández
138 The cyborg: the fifteen years on, five complaints
Suhail Malik
140 The future is female
Irina Aristarkhova
143 Mens sana in corpore sano (or keep taking the tablets)
Andrew Goffey
150 Abstracta sex
Luciana Parisi
157 Post-humanism=post-animality
Tim Savage
Chapter 4
Of commoners and criminals
161 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
164 Control_shift_commons
James Boyle interviewed by Ted Byfield
172 Goatherds in prinstripes
Gregor Claude
180 Commercial commons
Researchers at the Economic Observatory of the University of Openess
187 Charters of Liberty in black face and white face: race, slavery and the commons
Peter Linebaugh
197 Copy that floppy!
Palle Torsson interviewed by Anthony Iles
201 FLOSS Redux: notes on african software politics
Soenke Zhele
211 Climate change and capital
Will Barnes
Chapter 5
Organising horizontally
221 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
223 The holy fools
Richard Barbrook
237 A response to Richard Barbrook's holy fools
Florian Cramer
239 J18 and all that
Anthony Davies
241 Mayday, mayday
Eileen Condon
244 Together forever
Tiziana Terranova
246 Get rid of the lot of them! Argentinean society stands against politics
Horacio Tarcus
255 The packed gang: openess and its discontents
266 Disobbedienti, ciao!
Chapter 6
Assuming the position: Art and/against business
271 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
274 BIT on BIT
The Bureau of Inverse Technology (BIT)
278 Vector block on Telecom Avenue
Critical Art Ensemble interviewed by Mark Dery
292 Do as they do, not as they do: etoy and the Art of Simulacral Warfare
Josephine Berry
294 Everything must go
Benedict Seymour
300 Branded to the boneChris Darke
305 Culture Clubs
Anthony Davies and Simon Ford
311 Wide area dsturbance
Ricardo Dominguez interviewed by Coco Fusco
317 Bill Posters is guilty: on the cultural logic of ambient
Neil Mulholland
323 Countdown to zero, count up to now
The Artist Placement Group interviewed by Josephine Berry and Pauline van Mourik Broekman
334 Learning the right lessons
David Garcia
342 Heavy Opera
Anthony Iles
Chapter 7
Under the Net: the city and the camp
347 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
350 History has failed and will continue to fail
Matthew Hyland
358 Fear death by wather: the regeneration siege in Central Hackney
Benedict Seymour and David Panos (the London particular)
365 Create creative cluster!
David Panos
368 The incidental collection: Stuart Brisley's Peterlee Project
Mark Crinson
371 Cheap chinese
John Barker
382 Disrespecting multifundamentalist
Melancholic Troglodytes
391 Under the beach the barbed wire
Angela Mitropoulus
399 Demolishing Delhi: world-class city in the making
Amita Baviskar
404 Thinking resistance in the Shanty Town
Richard Pithouse
415 Drowing by numbers: the non-reproduction of New Orleans
Benedict Seymour
Chapter 8
Reality check: class and immaterial labour
427 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
430 Data trash: the theory of the virtual class
Geert Lovink
435 The futile style of London
Simon Pope
439 Unleashing the collective phantoms: resistance to Networked individualism
Brian Holmes
447 Recomposing the university
Marc Bousquet and Tiziana Terranova
459 Call to arms
464 Precari-us?
Angela Mitropoulus
472 Reality check: are we living in a immaterial world?
Steve Wright
481 Thriving on adversity: the art of precariousness
Anna Dezeuze
489 The factory without walls
Brian Ashton
494 Take me i'm yours: neoliberalising the cultural institution
Anthony Davies
Chapter 9
The open work
503 Introduction
Josephine Berry Slater
506 Dissimulations: the illusion of interactivity
andy Cameron
516 BIT on osmose
The Bureau of Inverse Technology (BIT)
520 Music is the message
Jeff Mills interviewed by Hari Kunzru
523 Free improvisation actuality
Ben Watson
527 Composing ourselves
Flint Michigan
529 Concentrated listening
Flint Michigan
532 Free as the air
Eddie Prèvost
534 Junk Subjectivity
Keston Shuterland
537 Zombie nation
Paul Halliwell
546 Guttural cultural
Howard Slater
551 Contributors
559 Index