Methods of Culture VIII
Tom Boellstorff
Play, community, and history X
Bonnie A. Nardi
Acknowledgments XII
I Play, community and emergency cultures
1. Communities of Play and the Global Playground 3
2. Virtual worlds, Play ecosystems, and the ludisphere 17
3. Emergence in cultures, games, and virtual worlds 37
4. Reading, writing, and playing cultures 51
II The Uru diaspora
5. An imaginary homeland 69
6. Identity as Place 85
7. The Inner lives of Avatars 111
8. Communities and cultures of Play 125
9. Patterns of emergence 137
10. Productive play: culturaI production, meaning-making, and
agency 155
11. Porous magic circles and the ludisphere 177
12. Emergence as design material 185
III Playing ethnography: research methods
13. Methodology: playing ethnography 195
IV The social construction of the Ethnographer
14. Being Artemesia: my life as an Avatar 215
V Beyond Uru: communities of play on their own terms
15. Coda:Uru resurrection - applied cyberethnography as
action research 263
16. Crafting cultures: emergence as design material 271
17. Global playgrounds and the "play turn" in culture 277
Games and virtual worlds cited 282
References 285
Index 301