Series Foreword XII
Preface XIV
Acknowledgments XX
1 Performing Phenomenology 1
1.1 Science Friction 4
1.2 An Unavoidable Necessity 12
1.3 The Pre-reflective 16
1.4 Resonance 24
1.5 Connective Tissue 28
1.6 Flesh 32
1.7 Reversibility 36
1.8 The Invisible 40
1.9 Disequilibrium 44
1.10 The Method 48
1.11 Heterophenomenology 56
1.12 Sexual Difference 62
1.13 Performance 66
1.14 Techne/Technology 72
1.15 Satured by the Virtual 78
2 Telematics: Extending Bbodies 85
2.1 Spacemaking: Virtuality and Materiality 92
2.2 Exiles, Ghosts, and Astronauts 104
2.3 Architectures of the Real 116
2.4 Liftlink: On Voice and Ideology 127
2.5 The Extending Bbodies: Telematics and Pedagogy 136
3 Responsive Architectures: An Embodied Poetics 163
3.1 Time on My Hands: Performing Alone with a Wooden Room 168
3.2 Strange Meaderings: An Embodied Poetics 178
3.3 Responsivity Out of interactivity 182
3.4 From Performance to Installation 190
3.5 From Joint to Joint: Process Phenomenologies 194
3.6 Skin, Flesh, Metabolism 199
3.7 Longitude and Latitude 204
4 Motion Capture: Performing Alterity 213
4.1 Performance Animation 220
4.2 Empathy, Seduction, Control 226
4.3 Fear of Capture 232
4.4 Intercorporeality 238
4.5 Performing Alterity 246
4.6 Affect, Motion, Ethics 258
5 Wearables: The Flesh of Social Computing 269
5.1 Data Choreography 274
5.2 Corporeal Telepathy 280
5.3 Affective Computing 284
5.4 Conjunctive Tissue of Visibility 288
5.5 A Force Field of Passions 294
5.6 The Abject: “Quite Close” 300
Closing 306
Notes 310
Bibliography 324
Photo Credits 338
Index 340