Preface IX
A brief guide to the book XVII
Introduction: science fiction and cyberpunk 1
1. Cyberpunk and virtual technologies 23
2. Cyberpunk, technology and mythology 41
Technology and mythology: origins 41
Cyborgs 44
Myth and religion in cyberpunk 52
Fiction, theory and language of science 63
3. Cyberpunk and the body 72
The cyberbody 72
Idoru: the body as personality construct 79
The ghost 83
The stranger 88
Burning chrome and Mona Lisa overdrive:
the body as commodity 92
The doll 105
4. Cyberpunk, gender and sexuality 109
Technologies of gendered subject 109
Gender roles in cyberpunk 121
Virtual sex 126
5. Cyberpunk and the city 133
Science and space 134
Digital maps: ON/OFF 140
Venice 146
Space and narrative structure 150
6. Cyberpunk and the Gothic 164
The uncanny 167
Layering and architecture 172
Families 184
Fashion 193
Time zones 198
Epilogue: cyberpunk and memory 204
References 215
Guide to further reading 237
Bibliography 241
Index 251