8 Communication to the edotor
14 Big brother isn't dead
The Omega
18 Cyced up!
Daniel Easmus
20 The MIDI warp drive
Mihai Manoliu
Kristen Keller
Sreet tech
24 Street noise - Samizdata for the computer underground
Gareth Branwyn
26 Dee-Lectronix - Fashion section embedded
Paco Xander Nathan
36 Irresponsible journalism
St. Jude
38 Curiosa - You can be anyone this time around
Jas. Morgan
42 Woman's home companion
St. Jude
44 DeLanda destratified - Manuel DeLanda observed
Erik Davis
50 Fashion - Gooley, gooley hah-hah
photos by Stephen Stickler
54 U2 can Sue a Sample Simon - Negativland interviews U2' The Edge
60 Uncoiled - John Balance and Peter Christopherson
Jas. Morgan & Diana Trimble
66 Walking the cow - Daniel Johnston's visionary universe
Andrew Hultkrans
74 Killing Floor - The arrowing spirituals of Diamanda Galás
Gracie & Zarkov
80 The totems of die Warzau
Gareth Branwyn
86 Cronenberg on Cronenberg - Long live the new flesh
Larry McCaffery
96 The future of an illusion - The art of music video
Gareth Branwyn
Big tech
102 Time travel™ by Disney
Nick Herbert & Jack Sarfatti in conversation
108 Riding the boardzzz - A guide of the underground
Sanity Bandit
112 MindVox - There's a party in my mind
Andrew Hawkins
116 Morphing the life fantastic - Yoichiro Kawaguchi
Jas. Morgan
122 Mark Leiner's et tu Babe
Lance Olsen
124 Hacker Crackdown
Patrick Kroupa
126 Taking it to MacJesus
128 Hacker, the game
Chris Hudak