09 New world disorder
R.U. Sirius
10 Isn't it funny...
You talk, we listen
14 Un treaty
Richard Stallman
14 VR report
Allan Lundell
16 666
Sir Real
17 Product: Music software
edited by Edward Tywoniak
18 Desktop manufacturing
Brian Parks
19 Pop goes the toaster
Jeff Milstead
21 Coaster cruising
Luouis Brill
22 Virtual audio
an interview with Christopher Currell
24 The go tablet
Denise Caruso
Street tech
26 Hacker zines
Gareth Branwyn
28 D.I.Y. Spy
Max Freer
31 Cyber-cowboy chaps
Peter Sugarman
Gareth Branwyn
Stephen Beck
40 Fringe science
Nick Herbert
42 Read this or die
Durk and Sandy interviewed by St. Jude
46 Irresponsible journalism
St. Jude
48 Beyond multimedia: ITV
Mike Saenz and Michael Synergy
54 War is hell, peace is heck
Ian Shoales
56 Andy Warhol's secret desire to rejoin his idol, Walt Disney
Barbara Leary
62 Avital Ronell
an interview by Gary Wolf
70 Antic women
photographed by Bart Nagel
72 Reading the body
an interview with Kathy Acker by Larry McCaffery
78 The Loa in the machine
an interview by Barbara Imhof and St. Jude
84 A couple of bohos
William S. Burroughs and Timothy Leary
88 Freaks of the industry
Rickey Vincent interviews Digital Underground
94 Pamela Z
as told to Jas. Morgan and Sarah Drew
96 Cyberpop in Japan
by Joichi Ito
114 Yams ambiguity and ju ju-space jazz
Brian Eno by Pamela Z
120 D'Cückoo
in conversation with Jas. Morgan and R.U. Sirius
128 Orpheus in the Maelstrom
Jim Morrison's real story by Queen Mu
100 Ameba I'm amazed
fashion photos by Stephanie Rausser
108 Lush on life
Jas. Morgan and Diana Trimble
110 Skinny Puppy
an interview by Edward Tywoniak
Big tech
136 Caverns Measureless to man
Ted Nelson interviewed by John Perry Barlow
142 The carpal tunnel of love
Michael Saenz interviewed by St. Jude and Jeff Milstead
146 The creative spark at industrial light and magic
Mark Dippe and Lisa Van Cleef interviewed by Jas. Morgan, Erol Otis and Justine Herbert
152 The difference engine
book review by Rudy Rucker
154 Infinite personality complex
music review by Marshall McLaren
156 The best of Tom Zé, Beethoven on speed and where the pyramid meets the eye
music reviews by Edward Tywoniak
157 Industrial symphony no. 1
video review by Edward Tywoniak
159 Bruno Burns, Rushidie Recants
Gracie & Zarkov