09 Special guest editorial
William S. Burroughs
14 Our readers write
19 Congressional Bill would suspend constituition
20 Pushing the rollercoaster reality envelope
Louis M. Brill
22 Fiber in the valley
Denise Caruso
26 Street tech
Gareth Branwyn
28 PXL 2000
Brian Goldberg
30 Durk and Sandy explaint it all to you
with St. Jude
32 Grow your own growth hormone
St. Jude
36 The war on drugs and FIJA
Robert Anton Wilson
37 Flow like a dragonfly, see like a bee:
a drug-free expansionity of the senses
Nick Herbert
Hackers & crackers
40 Do-G-men dream of electric sheep?
R.U. Sirius & George Gleason
45 Civilizing the Electronic Frontier: an interview with Mitch Kapor & John Barlow of the Electronic Frontier Foundation
David Gans & R.U. Sirius
50 Synergy speaks: goodbye banks, goodbye telephone, goodbye Welfare checks
Michael Synergy
55 Freaked by Phrack: an interview with Craig Neidorf
John Perry Barlow
58 A message to you from Legion of Doom Member " The Mentor"
60 On the road to chaos in East Berlin
Morgan Russel
64 The worlds oldest secret conspiracy: fronted by Steve Jackson Games, Inc.
Gareth Branwyn
74 Phreaks R Us: an interview withHacker Publishers Emmanual Goldstein of 2600 & Rop Gonggrijp of Hack-Tic
R.U. Sirius & George Gleason
78 Deborah Harry: 21st century girl
Tresca Behling, R.U. Sirius & St. Jude
80 Dangerouse attire
83 Cybernetic jewelry - wearable microsystem
Vernon Reed
84 Boom or bust
Justine H
86 Jeff Design
Bart Nagel
90 Hats by Pine
Bart Nagel
92 What computers can do for the fashion designer
Willard Van de Bogart
96 Covert design & holographic clothing: a look at 21st century fashion
Mark Heley
100 Plastic people
R.U. Sirius & in conversation with Dr. Forshan
102 Future food as conceived
Erez with Joshua Ets-Hokin
Art & Kultur
104 Shadow world of heavy metal part 3
Gracie & Zarkov
112 Frank Zappa for president
116 Escape from New York/talking hearts & severed heads: an interview with Tima Weymouth & Chris Franz
R. U. Sirius
121 Bitin'off the Funk with George Clinton
Rickey Vincent
125 House Music: the Best techno-Shamanic cultural virus so far
Mark Heley
127 Tune in, turn on the Acid House with Psychic TV
Philip H. Farber with Djenaba
129 Muzak: the concept of manipulation through music
Genesis P. Orridge
133 Deee-Lite: like tapping into the Soul of a Deep Program
St. Jude
136 The primal venting of Buttheads: a post punk dialectic
Antonio Lopez
139 Butthole Hacker: we talk to Gibby, mostly about his computer graphics
Bart Nagel R.U.Sirius
141 * Taking toys from the Boys: an interview with Rebecca Allen
Jas. Morgan
144 SIGGRAPH Gallery: the wizards of light & motion
collected by Jas. Morgan & Christopher Case
Screaming memes
150 Chaos & catastrope: an interview with Ralph Abraham
Rebecca McClen & David Jay Brown
154 Quantum randiness: mathematica author Stephen Wolfram & Physics Genius Saul-Paul Sirag in conversation
Jas. Morgan & Efrem Lipikin, assisted by John Zaitz, George Gleason & Jeff Mark
160 Drugs for Sex: real aphrodisiacs
Leila Mellow-Whipkit
162 A word (or two) on aphrodisiacs from Dr. Ward Dean
interviewed by John Morgenthaler
163 Attitude: file under "Bad"
John Shirley
167 Greatest hit from Timothy Leary's greatest hits
R. U. Sirius
168 Holidays in Cambodia?
Richard P. Greenfield
170 MONDOzines
Mike Gunderlow
173 Sim City, a cybernetic playground
174 Cracking Mac Software for fun and profit: words from an expert