7 Saturday Morning Geekout
by Julian Macassey
The TRW Swapmeet: Where Geeks Gather to Garner Gear!
13 O Mighty Anka
by Josh Cereghino
"A Date with Anka" Winner Dishes Out the Details.
16 Zine Queen Interview by Carla
Ben is Dead, but Darby Sure isn't.
22 Kevin Kelly: Out of Control
Interview by Carla and Mark
Programs that Live? Get ready for the American
Society for the Prevention of Crueltyy to Simulations.
25 Would You Buy a Used Tank from This Girl?
by John Bates
How Hollywood Going to Deal This Chick?
28 Darkwave
by David Pescovitz
Goth Sharpens
34 Human Branding
by David Pescovitz
The Hot Way to Decorate Your Skin.
36 fiction:
"Alphabet Noir," by Wayne Alan Brenner
42 "The Gentle Art of Corpse Detection," by Walt Wyman
46 Beastly Buddhism
Interview by Pierre Borque
The Beasty Boys' Adam Yauch Gets Metaphysical.
54 Coil
Interview by Jessica Wing
The UK's most mystical musical duo!
2 Welcome! by Carla
2 bOUnCIng baCK
4 Notices by Gossip Girl
6 Neurotica compiled by Ward Parkway
12 Prank Time by Nurse Freckle
15 Shortie: Brain in a Vat by some brain in a body
20 Going Gaga by Gareth
26 Zip.5 by Rudy Rucker
14 Shortie: Parking Lots o' Fun by Brendan Dunn
31 Greasy Riders by Kristi O'Rell
32 Schwa Comics by Bill Barker
45 Shortie: The Lazy Human's Guide to Wealth by El Jefe
63 The Real REal World by Judd Winnick
8 Brain Candy
49 Media Freak
56 Music